K PSep 31 minDo you need to conduct a trademark search?Trademark searches are a cost effective and important step in IP protection.
K PAug 142 minCan you file a trademark application on your own?Yes and No. Or, as we lawyers are fond of saying...it depends. Let me explain. Trademark applications are deceptively simple. You might...
K PAug 71 minWhat is...the NICE classification?The Nice Classification (NCL), established by the Nice Agreement (1957), is an international classification of goods and services applied...
K PMay 221 minWhat is...a great US IP Associate?KPIP Law acts as a US IP Associate handling patent, trademark and copyright with a single point of contact.
K PApr 101 minWhat is...something you can do to set your company up for worldwide success? IP ManagementIdentify, Protect & Monetize your IP. That is our tagline and we take it very seriously. KPIP Law will help you navigate international IP...
K PApr 31 minWhat is...important to consider when you launch a new product or service? IP Strategy.Having a skilled and dedicated IP attorney adds significant value to your business. Here are some things to consider before launching a...
K PMar 271 minWhat is...new?KPIP Law's website! I am beyond excited to announce that I had the pleasure of working with two amazing women on my rebrand for KPIP Law....
K PFeb 281 minWhat is...a form of IP that acts as a source identifier for good or services? A trademark or service mark. A Trademark or Service Mark.⠀ A trademark is for goods (e.g., a product) and a service mark is for...you guessed it - services (e.g.,...